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* Regular price for Educator is $300 per month. Sign up today and get a 50% off for six months!
Explore our plans and find the right one for your needs
Interactive Audio
Upload documents, websites and recordings
Character limit per upload
Turn any written content into engaging audio
Learn by listening and by conversing with Atlas
Generate quizzes for any topic
Generate flashcards from any material
Save spoken notes while listening
Transcribe your speech instead of writing
Select from a number of premium AI voices
Read-along while listening to documents or lectures
Interact through a voice interface
Learn anywhere with the mobile app
Create interactive audio courses from any input
Share it anywhere as a simple URL or QR code
Link directly to Atlas Primer courses from your platform
Integrate Atlas Primer into your platform
Single sign-in for seamless security
Deep insights into usage and knowledge gaps
Support level
Final price per month excluding VAT
3 per month
25 Thousand
(≈10 pages)
3 in total
(Forum, email)
1 Million
(≈400 pages)
3 in total
(Basic + priority email, telephone hotline)
1 Million
(≈400 pages)
(Basic + priority email, telephone hotline)
1 Million
(≈400 pages)
(Premium for all users and a dedicated account manager)
(Charged yearly)
We have a plan for everyone! Be it students and lifelong learners who want to make the most of their learning, creators looking to establish thought leadership, or organizations who want to unlock the productivity of audio while embracing productivity and accessibility.
Atlas Primer FREE allows you to upload and listen to documents, websites, recordings, and create courses. Perfect for those who want to untether themselves from their books or screens.
Atlas Primer Learner enables unlimited uploads and increases the character conversion limit from the free level of 25,000 (around 10 pages) to a whopping 1 Million characters! That's 40X the standard limit or around 400 pages, allowing the most studious individuals to convert a full body of knowledge in one go.
Atlas Primer Educator gives unlimited access to creating learning materials. Reuse existing blogs, documents, or podcasts and create, record and share in minutes! Save days or weeks and thousands of dollars with Atlas Primer and be a though leader with your very own course catalogue.
Atlas Primer Enterprise gives every employee full access to the complete functionality of Atlas Primer. They can learn and access information or capture knowledge and create their own courses. It includes dedicated support and onboarding assistance and is perfect for organizations who want to ensure their employees have access to important information.
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